History and Development

14:56 23/09/2021

History of Foundation and Development

The Diplomatic Academy of Viet Nam, originally the School of Diplomacy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was established on June 17, 1959. It was renamed the Institute of International Relations (1992-2007) after merging with the Institute of International Relations; and has been known as the Diplomatic Academy of Viet Nam since 2008.

Over 65 years of development, the Diplomatic Academy of Viet Nam is now one of the leading research and training institutions on international relations, foreign policy, and foreign service training in the region, with 15 subordinate units and over 300 staff members, including nearly 20 Professors and Associate Professors. About 60% of the staff have master's or doctoral degrees.

The Academy currently has over 6,000 students enrolled in undergraduate, master's, doctoral, and joint training programs with prestigious universities worldwide. In the academic year 2023-2024, the Academy offers 08 undergraduate programs, 03 master's programs, and 02 doctoral programs, of which 05 undergraduate programs have been nationally accredited. The Academy plans to continue expanding its training scale and fields of study from now until 2030 to meet society's human resource needs.

In terms of research, the Academy organizes research, synthesis, and strategic forecasting on global, regional, and South China Sea situations, international relations, political, security, defense, economic, legal, cultural issues, and foreign policies of countries and territories; advising the Minister of Foreign Affairs in developing, operating, and deploying the Party and State's foreign policies. The Academy has two research units: the Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies established in 2008 and the East Sea Institute established in 2012.

Regarding foreign service training, the Academy is tasked with 03 major government training projects, with hundreds of courses and sessions for exchanging, discussing, and sharing experiences to enhance foreign affairs training for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' staff. It also provides knowledge and skills in foreign affairs and international integration for other ministries, localities, and gradually expands to meet the needs of other organizations, businesses, and individuals in society.

The information and documentation work continues to be emphasized in enhancing the reputation of the Journal of International Studies, constructing digital libraries and databases for the Ministry and Academy's teaching and research activities. Additionally, applying information technology in managing, teaching, and promoting digital transformation has also been a priority for the Academy.

In terms of international cooperation, the Academy is a member of the ASEAN Institutes of Strategic and International Studies (ASEAN-ISIS), the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP), the ASEAN Regional Forum Experts and Eminent Persons (EEPs), the Southeast Asian Conflict Studies Network, the Asian Political and International Studies Association (APISA), the Network of East Asian Think-Tanks (NEAT), the APEC Study Centers Consortium (ASCC), the Global Mekong Studies Center (GCMS), the International Network of Senghor Francophone Forums (RICSF), etc. The Academy has signed over 100 Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with partners in the region and worldwide, with annual bilateral dialogues with partners such as the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), the China Institute of International Studies (CIIS), the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA), the Lao Institute of Foreign Affairs (IFA), the Australian Institute of International Affairs, the Korean Institute of Foreign Affairs, the New Delhi Institute for Defence Studies, etc.

The achievements in various activities over the past 65 years have helped the Academy continue to transform and develop strongly, affirming its brand, establishing its position as one of Viet Nam's leading research, training, and professional development institutions on international relations, foreign policy, international integration, and ranking high among Viet Nam's universities (ranked first class in the quality standards of learners in the 2023 ranking of 100 universities in Viet Nam).

With these accomplishments, the Diplomatic Academy of Viet Nam has been awarded many prestigious honors by the Party, State, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, such as:

- Ho Chi Minh Order in 2009;

- First Class Independence Order in 2019;

- First Class Labor Order in 1994;

- Second Class Independence Order in 2004;

- Third Class Independence Order in 1999;

- Prime Minister's Certificate of Merit (on the occasion of the 7th Francophonie Summit).

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