Training course on “Standards, regulations and principles of state behavior in cyberspace”
From February 24th - 26th 2020, the Institute for Foreign Strategic Studies of the Diplomatic Academy coordinated and cooperated with the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), the British Embassy and the Australian Embassy in Hanoi to organize a training course on “Standards, regulations and principles of state behavior in cyberspace”. The training course was attended by experts from the ASPI Institute, the Malaysian Institute for Strategic and International Studies, the Indonesian Center for International Strategic and Research, the Australian Embassy in Hanoi and the British Embassy in Singapore.
Attending the training course were 30 trainees from ministries, branches and agencies of Vietnam relating to cyberspace management such as the Ministry of Defense (the cyber combat force), the Ministry of Public Security (Department of network security), Ministry of Information and Communication (Information Security Bureau, Emergency Computer Incident Response Center - VNCERT, Central Post Office), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (International Law and Treaty Department, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam) and a number of large information technology enterprises (VNPT, Viettel). Speaking at the opening session, representatives of the Australian and British sides highly appreciated the role of the NCCL Institute as Vietnam's focal point in organizing the training course, as well as promoting research cooperation and academic exchange on international cooperation in cyberspace.
The training course provided aggregate and updated content related to: (i) United Nations principles on state responsible behavior in cyberspace; (ii) Emerging issues in international cooperation on cyberspace governance; (iii) State management on cyberspace in Vietnam. On the basis of a close combination between general knowledge and practice, between presentations, discussions and case studies, the training course took place excitingly, attracting the attention of the participants.
The exchange has promoted understanding and sharing of experiences between international and Vietnamese delegates in cyberspace governance, practically contributing to providing information to leading agencies on space management, network and related businesses in Vietnam.