The establishment and development of the Faculty of International Law is closely associated with significant milestones in the history of the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam. In 1956, international law was taught in the first training classes for diplomatic officials organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. In 1960, after the merger of the Diplomatic School into the Central School of Economics and Finance, the Department of International Law was established. In 1963, along with the establishment of the University of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, the Department of International Law was part of the Faculty of Diplomacy. In 2002, the Faculty of International Law was established and became one of the key faculties of the Institute for International Relations (IIR).
In 2008, the Institute for International Relations was renamed to the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV), and in the same year, the Faculty of International Law launched the Bachelor of International Law program making the DAV the first higher education institution which provides such a program. Most of the legal officials recruited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since then are the graduate of the program. In 2022, the Faculty of International Law opened the Bachelor of International Trade and Business Law program to meet the needs of the labor market. Postgraduate programs were also launched including the master and doctoral programs on international law. In addition, following the establishment of the Vietnam’s Society of International Law (VSIL), the Faculty was honored to serve as the Office of the VSIL.
Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan Anh, Director of the East Sea Institute, concurrently serves as the Dean of the Faculty, and Mr. Tran Huu Duy Minh, is the Vice Dean. The lecturers are systematically trained at prestigious law training institutions domestically and internationally, especially in developed countries with advanced legal education and jurisprudence. In addition, in order to provide students with authentic knowledge and skills and as part of the job orientation program, the Faculty invites as guest lecturers diplomats, scholars, leading experts and practitioners in the field of international law, and reputable lawyers from top law firms in Vietnam.
Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan Anh, Director General of the East Sea Institute, the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, is an expert in international law and the law of the sea. Her research area includes issues related to ocean law and policy, maritime boundary delimitation, maritime security and safety, Vietnam's foreign policy with a focus on the South China Sea. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lan Anh regularly offers legal and policy advice to the government agencies of Vietnam as well as international and regional organizations in different legal and foreign policy issues. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lan Anh also often participates as a resource person or leads Vietnamese delegations to participate in track 2 and 1.5 initiatives in the region and around the world. In addition to her portfolio at the East Sea Institute, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lan Anh is equally in charge of the Faculty of International Law of the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam where she reads international law and law of the sea. Before her current post, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lan Anh served as Deputy Head of Mission of the Vietnam's Embassy in the United Kingdom.
Contact: Room D609 - D614 Building D
Phone: 00 84 438344540 ext 3205
Email: KHOALUATQUOCTE@dav.edu.vn