Talk among Representatives from DAV’s Party Committee, Union, Executive Boards of Youth Union, Student Union and Clubs/Teams/Groups
At 2 p.m on Tuesday, April 20th 2021, in the DAV’s Tradition room, a talk took place among representatives from the Academy’s Party Committee, Union, Executive Boards of Youth Union, Student Union, clubs/teams/groups and interested students. In the spirit of openness and listening, the discussions were successfully held with appreciation for students’ achievements by representatives from the Academy’s Party Committee and Union who also affirmed to keep investing and supporting students in organizing high-quality extra-curricular activities. The DAV continues to consider these activities to be an important part of its plan to improve training quality after its transition to financial autonomy from early 2021, as well as meeting the requirements for improving student services after accreditation.
The talk started with a report which summarized the activities in the 2020-2021 academic year by the Executive Boards of DAV’s Youth Union and Student Union, and representatives from the DAV clubs. These activities are diversely presented in many fields, from scientific research, culture, art to physical training, sports, and volunteering, etc., which are meaningful for the comprehensive development of DAV students. Through each weekly activity and event, each student enjoys opportunities to develop evenly and comprehensively in accordance with the criteria of “Students with Five Good Merits” - Good learning, Good ethics, Good physique, Good volunteer, and Good integration.
Some recent outstanding events can be listed as “Marketing Hive” by DAV Marketing club; “Donating Blood - Returning Life” by DAV Blood Donation Campaigning team; the “Trip to Origins in Quang Tri” by the Vietnamese Martial Arts club; the scientific research movement by the Student Association for Scientific Research; “Building Personal Brand” by the Reception club; sports activities by groups of Badminton, Basketball, and by Dance club; the movement to promote reading culture by You Love Books club, etc. They are all developed by the DAV’s unique intellects and spirits, making an identity for the DAV. However, the 2020-2021 academic year was when these clubs faced many difficulties due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, therefore some programs have not been implemented. Instead, they have focused on internal building and virtual activities to maintain their activities during the periods of limited face-to-face activities due to the pandemic.
After listening to students’ sharing, the DAV representatives from the Academy’s Party Committee congratulated the achievements of the Student Union and Association, and the clubs, and highly regard their contributions to student services at the DAV so far. They also pointed out practical examples from personal experience to emphasize the positive impact on personal development from participating in extra-curricular activities. In that spirit, the representative from the Academy’s Party Committee asked the Department of Political Affairs and Student Management to coordinate with the Youth Union and the Student Union, and the clubs to review and amend the Regulations on organizations of club activities in a modern, systematic, and professional way; They also recommended mechanisms to support, reward, and share information among clubs and individuals with the DAV. The Party Committee’s representative also mentioned some of the DAV’s current difficulties in terms of facilities as well as wishing students to understand the current situations. In the future, when the new building and a new campus are completed, the facilities for student activities will be significantly upgraded.
At the end of the event, the teachers expressed their desires to see the clubs operate effectively and positively, contributing to the development of the growing student movements, with a motto “Striking-Integrating Youth”.