Cadres - Teachers of Diplomatic Academy achieved B prize at 6th National Book Awards

11:30 10/01/2024

On December 29 2023, the 6th National Book Awards Ceremony took place at Hanoi Opera House. The award was organized by the Vietnam’s Publishing Association in collaboration with the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Commission for Information and Education and Vietnam Television. The publication "Ho Chi Minh's last chance (Vietnam-France Conference at Fontainebleau, July 1946)" by Henri Azeau (1922-1990), journalist and writer specializing in researching contemporary historical issues  was edited by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Duong Van Quang and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Hanh, both excellently won the final B prize.

The 6th National Book Awards (Photo Báo Điện tử - Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam).

The award ceremony was attended by Mr. Do Van Chien, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Delegation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front; Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung, Minister of Information and Communications; along with many leaders representing ministries, departments, central branches and authors, translators, publishers, and affiliated units honored to receive the 6th National Book Awards. This is a state-level award held annually, awarding books/book series with outstanding value in terms of ideological, intellectual and aesthetic content to honor authors and translators, scientists and publishers, contributing to discovering, preserving and promoting valuable works to a large number of readers; promoting the publishing career to develop in the right direction and suitable for integration trends.

The publication "Ho Chi Minh's last chance"  was edited by Associate Professor, Dr. Duong Van Quang and Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Thi Hanh, both excellently won the final B prize.

The publication "Ho Chi Minh's last chance (Vietnam-France Conference at Fontainebleau, July 1946)”  by Henri Azeau (1922-1990), journalist and writer specializing in researching contemporary historical issues was edited by Associate Professor, Dr. Duong Van Quang and Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Thi Hanh, both excellently won the final B prize.

Assoc. Prof. Duong Van Quang, Former Ambassador of Vietnam to Singapore, Former Head of the Vietnamese Delegation to UNESCO, Former Personal Representative of the President and also on the Francophone Standing Council and Former President of Diplomatic Academy. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thi Hanh, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Politics and Diplomacy and also President of the Hanoi Senghor Francophone Forum, Vice President of the International Network of the Senghor Francophone Forum (RICSF).

Assoc. Prof. Duong Van Quang.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thi Hanh.

The book is a rare work written specifically and in detail about the Vietnam-France Conference at Fontainebleau and the trip of President Ho Chi Minh to France in 1946. The official translation published for the first time in Vietnam is based on absolute respects and integrity of the original French content (published by Flammarion Publishing House in 1968) and includes notes for a number of necessary events, characters, etc. This is a useful book of great historical value about President Ho Chi Minh's legacy, about the Fontainebleau Conference, about Vietnam, about France, as well as many historical figures and events.

The official translation published for the first time in Vietnam is based on and absolutely respects the integrity of the original French content (Photo: NXB Đại học Sư phạm).

Both authors are cadres and teachers at the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam and have made great contributions to the francophone community their entire career. DAVstudents in general and Francophone students in particular always have great respect and admiration for both professors for their noble values coming from dedication, knowledge and enthusiasm in teaching./.

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